• Practical Meteorology (PMET)

Practical Meteorology (PMET)

Theory Course Information


This course was designed largely out of concern for incomplete pilot training. All too often theory courses focus on “passing the exam” and fail to provide advice on real-world application, whilst the cost involved with flying training means that only the “bare minimum” is taught. Our course bridges the gap between meteorological theory and its application in flight, whilst also offering expert advice on industry “tricks of the trade” and the all-important question: “should I fly today?”


A pass in the RPL(A) Examination.


  • Company Meteorology Notes
  • CASA’s “Weather to Fly” DVD.

Topics Covered

  • Synoptic Meteorology
  • Clouds & Precipitation
  • Atmospheric Stability
  • Forecasts & Reports
  • Flight Planning.


Either 8 x 45 minute lessons over one day, from 0800 to 1700 hours; OR 4 x 45 minute lessons per day over two evenings, from 1800 to 2200 hours; at the GFT Theory & Briefing Room, Hangar 3, 26-28 Lockheed Close, West Sale Airport, Victoria, 3851.



Course Fee
