• Refreshers


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No matter how long ago your Australian Pilots Licence was originally issued you can have it ‘refreshed’ and recommence flying under the latest Flight Crew Licensing (‘FCL’) regulations. However, you must first transfer your ‘old’ licence to the new CASR Part 61 FCL system. We can assist you with that process.

You must also have a current CASA Medical Certificate before commencing any refresher flight training. Hence, we require you to book a “CASA Medical” with a Designated Aviation Medical Examiner (‘DAME’) and obtain a current CASA Medical Certificate before we commit to assisting you with the Part 61 FCL process. This is important as it can potentially save us significant time and you disappointment, particularly if you haven’t held a CASA Medical for a long time.

‘DOT/DOTAC’ Licence holders

If your Pilots Licence issue pre-dates the introduction of Civil Aviation Regulation #5 (‘CAR 5’) in 1988, it will have been issued by the Department of Transport, Department of Transport And Communications or the Civil Aviation Authority. That in itself is not an issue but be advised that getting your existing licence and ratings re-issued will take some time depending on the CASA Flight Crew Licensing section’s workload.

‘CAR 5’ Licence holders

If your Pilots Licence issue pre-dates the introduction of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Part 61 – Flight Crew Licensing (‘Part 61’) in September 2014, it will have been issued by the Civil Aviation Authority or the Civil Aviation Safety Authority post-1988. It will not be difficult having your existing licence and ratings re-issued but will take some time depending on the CASA Flight Crew Licensing section’s workload.

‘Part 61’ Licence holders

If your Pilots Licence issue occurred after the introduction of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Part 61 – Flight Crew Licensing (‘Part 61’) in September 2014, it will have been issued by CASA.

Refresher training for all Licence holders

The refresher training for Licence holders will include:

  1. Introduction to the CASA Regulatory Structure, The Act, CARs, CASRs Organisation, Specific CASRs (Parts 61, 64, 91, 99+141), CAOs, CAAPs, ACs, AWBs, AIP Book & VFRG;
  2. CASA Website Familiarisation;
  3. Introduction to the BoM Website;
  4. NAIPS from iMac & HP Desktops Familiarisation;
  5. OzRunways from iPad & iPhone Familiarisation;
  6. Review the Training Aeroplane’s AFM Layout, Content & Supplements;
  7. Long Briefs on Stalling, Normal Circuits, Advanced Circuits, Forced Landings and Local Procedures;
  8. Dual Flights totalling 5.0 hours refreshing all Upper Airwork and Circuit sequences;
  9. At least one dual Navex totalling 3.0 hours refreshing all pre-flight and en-route visual navigation procedures;
  10. An Aeroplane Flight Review (‘AFR’) flight of 2.0 hours checking all pre-flight preparation and en-route visual navigation and circuit procedures; and
  11. AFR documentation.

Refresher training for Instructors

The refresher training for Instructor Rating holders will include:

Ground training lessons include reviews of the following generic topics

  1. Flight & Duty Time Limits,
  2. Time Management,
  3. Principles and Methods of Instruction (‘PMI’),
  4. Pre-Flight Briefing and Debriefing formats,
  5. Long Briefing format,
  6. Developing Objectives,
  7. Questioning Techniques, and
  8. Assessing Competencies.

Ground training lessons include the following topics specific to the TE

  1. CASR Part 61,
  2. Part 61 MOS,
  3. Flight Examiner Handbook, and
  4. Aeroplane Flight Reviews.

Ground training lessons also include the following

  1. Pre-Flight Briefing and Debriefing, and
  2. Dual and Readback Long Briefs, in selected RPL(A), PPL(A) and CPL(A) sequences.

Flight training lessons include the following topics

  1. Dual and Readback lessons totalling 8.0 hours in selected RPL(A) sequences,
  2. Aeroplane Flight Reviews, and
  3. Human Factors (HF) and Non-Technical Skills (NTS) awareness and application.

Flight Test of notionally 1.7-2.0 hours to renew your FIR.