• Flight Tests and Flight Proficiency Checks

Flight Tests and Flight Proficiency Checks

Flight Tests for Pilots Licences and Ratings

All CASA Pilots Licences and Ratings require a Flight Test – including a Ground Component, i.e., check of Knowledge competencies – by a CASA-approved Flight Examiner (‘FE’). Flight Examiners (formally known as ‘Approved Testing Officers’ or ‘ATOs’) work as independent contractors on a ‘fee-for-service’ basis, notionally charging $700-$1000 +GST per test. Re-tests after a ‘Test Fail’ are usually charged at about two-thirds of the full test rate, unless there are nil ‘Test Credits’ awarded, e.g., for a Pass in the ‘Ground Component.’

Flight Proficiency Checks

A Flight Proficiency Check (‘FPC’) (formally known as a ‘Renewal’) is also conducted by a CASA-approved Flight Examiner (‘FE’). FPCs are for Instructor Rating renewals every two years (after the first renewal at 12 months) and annually for Instrument Ratings.

A sensible place to commence your test preparation is CASA’s Flight Examiner Handbook (‘FEH’), available on the CASA website (or from our Flight Operations bookshelf) as it very clearly lays out the requirements and process for Flight Tests and Proficiency Checks for all Licences and Ratings.

We will arrange and do everything possible to have you fully-prepared and organised for your Flight Test or FPC because it is in our best interests for you to pass. A Test Fail usually occurs as a result of test nerves or simple mistakes under test conditions, but actually reflects badly on us, not you! So we treat your Flight Test every bit as seriously as if it were on ourselves!

Our HOO is a former ATO and recently had an unbroken run of 23 first-attempt passes on his candidates for every imaginable Licence and Rating Test from RPL(A) all the way to the highest Grade 1 Instructor Training Endorsements!