• Aeroplane Flight Reviews

Aeroplane Flight Reviews

An Aeroplane Flight Review (‘AFR’) – previously known as a Biennial Flight Review (‘BFR’) – replaces the pre-CASR Part 61 FCL requirement for annual or biennial re-testing for Pilot Licences and some Ratings. That said, the requirements of an AFR, as detailed in CASR 61.400 and other CASA advisory documents, makes it quite clear that you must be able to demonstrate competency in all CASR Part 61 Manual Of Standards (‘MOS’) competencies applicable to your licence and ratings.

Prior to booking an AFR with us you must have hard copies of the following

  1. Updated CASA Flight Crew Licence,
  2. Current CASA Medical Certificate, and
  3. Up-to-date Pilots Logbook.

We will need to sight and review these in advance of your booking.

Important to bring with you

On the day itself, you will need to have your own current copies of ERSA, a ML VNC and PCA.

If the AFR is to be conducted in your own aeroplane, it must be fully serviceable and have a valid Maintenance Release, i.e., with nil uncleared endorsements, and at least 2.5 hours to run to the next 100-hourly/Annual servicing. It must also have at least three hours’ (at published 75% power settings) worth of Avgas on board.

You will be required to download Area 30 Met & NOTAMs (including Head Office and FIR NOTAMs) and access Local Met by various means, then, using that information, correctly and accurately complete a Take-Off Chart, Landing Chart, Weight & Balance and an online AirServices Australia Flight Plan, given a scenario provided by the Instructor at the time. If you feel that you will have any difficulties with any of the above, we strongly recommend that you make a booking for some remedial training well in advance of your AFR due date.

On the day itself, you will be required to demonstrate competency in all of the normal things that should be done on a private flight with a passenger, e.g., a Passenger Safety Briefing. If you are unable to achieve the required standard for your Licence and any Ratings you will forfeit the whole fee and be required to attend for remedial training prior to continuing the AFR. Note that the AFR does not have to be completed in one day.


Once you have successfully completed all of the pre-flight activities mentioned above, you will conduct a flight of approximately 1.5 hours to the Training Area (the Instructor will guide you if unfamiliar) and carry out steep turns at 45 degress AoB in both directions through 360 degrees of heading change, Pre-Manoeuvre Checks, stalls and recoveries in the clean/idle and approach configurations, Steep Descending Turns at 45 degrees AoB in both directions through 360 degrees of heading change to a pre-nominated altitude, a Forced Landing Without Power procedure, some Basic IF manoeuvres under the hood, an appropriate return to base followed by Normal and Advanced Circuit types, including Go Arounds and an EFATO, as required by the Instructor.

Short Navigation Exercise

You may be required to plan and conduct a short Navigation Exercise if your recent experience does not indicate significant recent cross-country experience. This will be solely at the discretion of the Head of Operations. The Navex route will be given to you on the day and will include arrivals and departures from a touch & go and a full stop landing at other nearby Certified Aerodromes, e.g., Latrobe Valley, Bairnsdale and Yarram.

You should familiarise yourself with the CASA PPL(A) Test Form (61-1488) and make sure you are competent in all test items or make a booking for some remedial training. Note that the tolerances for flight manoeuvres are found in the CASR Part 61 MOS – Appendix 8.

Night VFR

The NVFR Flight Review will include Full and Limited Panel IF manoeuvres before End Of Daylight followed by a short Navex. The Navex route will be given to you on the day and will include arrivals and departures from a touch & go and a full stop landing at other nearby Certified Aerodromes, e.g., Latrobe Valley, Bairnsdale and Yarram. You will be expected to have the Knowledge specified on the NVFR Test Form (61-1505) and be able to utilise all serviceable instruments and navaids fitted to the aeroplane. Note that the tolerances for flight manoeuvres are found in the CASR Part 61 MOS – Appendix 8.


The AFR for the MEA CLR will emulate the MEA CLR Flight Test in that competency will need to be demonstrated in all aspects of Multi-Engine Aeroplane flight planning and management, including asymmetric handling within MOS Schedule 8 tolerances. It will include a short Navex and Full and Limited Panel IF manoeuvres. You will be expected to have the Knowledge specified on the MEA CLR Test Form (61-1496) and be able to utilise all serviceable instruments and navaids fitted to the aeroplane. Note that the tolerances for flight manoeuvres are found in the CASR Part 61 MOS – Appendix 8.